Well, they have been transformed into a full 3 piece set of jewelry titled Treasure based on the focal that reminds me of a find in a treasure chest. It's chock full of color...thanks to my friend telling me to get more light flowing through it for better photographs!
I'm finishing the photography today and should list this on Etsy by tomorrow so be sure to visit me there to see the end result. I'm still surprised at the range of depth and color from light to dark that all work together. Quite spectacular, or "delicious" my friend tells me.

So I'm beginning to think that with all the traffic that has come to this blog since I posted my previous entry regarding Chihuly that I should just say Chihuly in every other post as that seems to be what gets people here! 42 visitors in one day...uh...people, from 5 a day to 42...that's quite a jump!
Hey, locked and loaded...moving on from the jewelry world and into our real little world of every day life I have to share something with you that just blew my mind. How many of you know that on foil and plastic wrap boxes there is a little lock on each end to keep the product from rolling out of the box???
I did NOT know this...neither did my sis when I asked her and I just couldn't beLIEVE it! I've included close-up shots for you and have to say that "press" as instructed just doesn't work: you have to get in there with a knife to slice two sides of the tab to get it to pressing state....so simple and unbelievable that it's been there all this time.

So it just goes to show you that you never know what you'll learn when you visit this blog. Gosh I'm just full of important knowledge...LOL.
Okay, gang, I want to hear your comments. I should take a poll on this box lock situation just to see how many of you were in the dark with me!
By the way, the day AFTER we visited the (I'll say it again:) Chihuly exhibit there was a gigantic 3 day concert in Golden Gate Park called Outside Lands...just below the museum we had visited. I didn't find out about it until its first day was completed. I don't know how I missed that when checking the area activities to decide what day to visit Chihuly. I only knew that I didn't want to go into San Francisco on a Friday or into a weekend....and this is why!
Oh, this is a stunning set! The beads are gorgeous, and the colors go so well together. And the Chihuly exhibit must have been breathtaking! WOW, those pictures are amazing. Wish I could have gone.
I must admit, I did know about those roll locks, but not at first. I had a lot of flying rolls, too. They really should print it in big letters on the inside lid or something. It's not very conspicuous!
Bella, you are so right about the rolls! It's like the companies want to retain secret information or something...so silly.
Thank you for the bead comments and you are right, Chihuly WAS breathtaking. When I walked into the chandelier room, I gasped...quietly, but I gasped.
I recieved an email talking about the box lock tabs and laughed all the way to the kitchen thinking oh how silly, no way...but perhaps I should just check just in case and then about fell over laughing so hard to find out it was true!! and yes I too had to jab at them with a utensil to get them to punch in but low and behold it is not some suburban myth lol!
Well this is news to me the box lock!
I went and checked and locked all my boxes now, got my thumb stuck a few times. Had no idea! This is great...
I've always enjoyed Chihuly's work, saw a great exhibit of his at Garfield Park in Chicago a few years back... Thanks for the tip!
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