It's been 2 weeks since I blogged and I hate that! Don't you hate visiting a blog every few days and it STILL isn't updated? Grr....
Here is a batch of beads that is about to become a full set on Etsy. The colors were very surprising together but they work beautifully from the soft gold in the sand dollar, to the bright gold shards on those pink beads (for earrings) to deep purples. Really fun and challenging.
I'll be in Napa again for a long weekend starting tomorrow so I can play Auntie/Godmother to my beautiful nephew. He is 2 1/2 and just the other day when his mommy said my name, he said "I love Julie". As his parents were totally surprised and in awed silence, he said "I love Beto" (my husband). Gosh, how wonderful! Now, who knows if "love" to him just means a person that makes him feel good or if he really gets the love concept but whatever he's thinking, I'll take it! What a sweetheart.
I have loads of cupcake beads I need to form into jewelry, including pendant sets and will focus on doing just that when I get back next week.
Until then, keep cupcaking and checking for more frequent posts from me.
gorgeous colors! Can't wait to see what they grow up to be :)
and...glad to have you back to blogging!!!!
Ooooh, aaaah! You have marvelous beads here, and some really cute jewelry! It's so great that you have found time to be creative and inspiring. I've really enjoyed taking a stroll through your blog. I actually grew up in the South Bay area of CA (Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo, etc), and you've made me yearn for CA again.
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. To answer your question, I haven't thought of selling any artwork. I never thought anyone would actually like it enough to buy. So I thank you for making me blush and really making my day with your inquiry. I'm very grateful. If there's something you really do like, I would be happy to just email you a file. I guess I'm not that protective of my stuff.
In the past couple of days, however, I have been contemplating selling some minor crafts. I used to make journals and cards to sell at a Christmas craft fair, then I donated all proceeds to charity. I'm thinking of doing that again, because there are a few causes I'd like to contribute to. Thanks for giving me some inspiration to do that.
I will be back for more visits, for sure!
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