I couldn't resist this photo...I mean, who doesn't like to look at tiny, handmade glass cupcakes??? They are on their way to my studio. Be safe, little cakes.
The shop owner that placed a large custom order is out of town next week so I have extra time to work on the jewelry...nice treat since I was aiming to mail them this weekend. It's always nice to take the pressure off a deadline.
I'll be in Napa again next week, but with my portable business, you'll never even miss me! I can carry on no matter where I go...unless, of course, it's out in the wilderness...you know...no wireless network for the laptop...ha ha.
To www.RockerJewlz.com I added a few photos on the "Coming Attractions" and "Currently in Production" pages so you can see what I'm working on and the beads whose arrival I breathlessly await.
Until next week then,
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