It's more intense than Sept. 11th since this is touching me directly. 2 family members lost jobs over it and another has to delay retirement plans since they were based on building a realty business.

First up are 2 of 3 stickers I punched this week using an official Disney punch set I found. Nice big shapes: a castle, a Cinderella slipper and a little crown. You can see a big 75 piece set at www.MomsArt.etsy.com.

Next up are my renderings of a custom request for a lampwork glass hot air balloon. Payton Jett asked me to draw my fantasy balloon to use as a pattern when working with her glass. We discussed color and style since getting the black points to NOT run into the yellow balloon was the biggest challenge.

I mean, she got it right...spot on! And this is just for me to wear...but if you'd like one, let me know and we can get the ball rolling for you. If you can dream it, it will come!

I hope you enjoyed this foray into my little fantasy world. Now I'm off to enjoy the most amazing autumn weather we have ever had here in the S.F. bay area. It's like the summer we didn't get this year: warm sunshine with cool breezes. Yum!
Money sucks! Yes. Glass does rock though :D Love the hot air balloon!
And, I'm taggin' ya!
Oh, I love your glass cupcake! It's wonderful!!!
It looks like a glass cupcake to me!!!!
Cookie, I hadn't thought about it looking like a cupcake...I was trying to NOT make it look like a light bulb!
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