"So hard to pick one favorite....... but I really love your Pink Lemonade Cupcake Lampwork Necklace. It reminds me of the sweet innocence we all have inside no matter how old we get. My mother use to bake cupcakes for my birthday every year, decorated just like this cupcake design and bring them up to school for a class party. Needless to say that was so many years ago but I still remember her walking in the classroom and those beautiful cupcakes."
Awww, my sister does this now for her little boy and she loves doing it too. Congratulations, Tamara. Look for your email from me requesting your street address.
And you do that too, Nikki of Bastille Bleu beads! You are the second prize winner......and Tylerpants is the third lucky winner. Check your emails, ladies, because I want to send you your fun goodies.
***UPDATE on May 3rd: All winners have responded...thank you ladies!***
And thank you to everyone for your comments. I wanted to know what and why certain jewelry affects you and your moods. This helps me know what beads to look for in the future to keep you happy and entertained. I also learned that with this big goal, I stayed busy all week which is not always the case. Now I know I need to set more goals!
Be watching for the next contest and a few new items NON cupcake related,

Those cupcake beads are SOOO cute!
Thanks so much for choosing me at the second winner! I was soooo shocked! AND I totally loved the fun cupcake stickers and lip gloss... Love it, love it! :)
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