
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Silvery Moments

I've been loading my MomsArt shop with tons of sterling silver beads.  I've been busier than I have been in a long time and I love it, although, now that I am really working as opposed to listing here and then, I have to remind myself to take breaks or I get pooped!

I've got cones, spacers, headpins and bead caps.  It's a great mix, if I do say so myself, and digging through the ones I haven't seen in a long time has helped me fine tune what I think I would REALLY use with the way I design jewelry these days as opposed to (like when I first started) buying anything just because it is gorgeous.

Can you imagine what I am keeping if I'm not using components like you see here???  This is such a great cache, it's like I get to shop all over again while I thin out my bins!

Most of the silver is sterling from Bali, but I just started poking around in my Karen Hill Tribe stash from Thailand which has a higher concentrate of silver.  I'm able to set fantastic pricing because I've had these beads for a few years and they were purchased just before silver prices began to increase sharply.

I hope you come and see the great items, even if you aren't a buyer, but just to enjoy it as eye candy and to put a little zip in your day! 

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Very Own Button

Yippee, my very own blog button!  Thanks to Lyndzi at The Cutest Blog on the Block.  I sent her my request of colors and text and then she sent some samples.  We went back and forth about 3 times fine tuning it and I just love it!

You can easily get your own, too.  Plus they create banners, backgrounds, whatever you need to make your blog and website look fabulous.

I am really looking forward to popping this little box all over the internet...I'm sure you'll see it in your online travels!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mad Men are Back

Hallelujah, Mad Men is back this Sunday!  I need my Don Draper fix.  Of course it would help if they produced more than just 13 episodes.  The angrier Draper gets, the more I like him...oh yes.  Anyone care to join me?


On the jewelry front, all polymer clay earrings are on sale.  There are 3 cupcake designs and one pair with cherries, perfect gifts for you or your cupcake lovin' dear ones, and remember, they come gift boxed in cupcake themed packaging that will make you smile.  Click HERE to shop.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cupcake Skins

My new phone skin!  Cool, huh? I made it online and received it in less than a week from VSkins.  It's a peel and stick deal and was super easy to design.

I just copied this photo Catherine Steele sent me when she handcrafted this fabulous set of glass cupcake beads.  I used it for the front and back of my phone. 

Then I added the top color and "RockerJewlz" and voila!  It was really fun to play with the photo placement, font and solid color choice.  I could have had all cupcakes or just a solid color with my name or anything else I wanted.  I had total control of everything, just like when I design my business cards and postcards on

I wonder, though, how well these will stay on, but the cash was a gift from my mom-in-law so I'm not losing if it turns out this sucks.

So....can you hear me now?

Friday, July 16, 2010


Charlene Thornton hand crafted these fabulous polka dot lampwork glass hearts.  In fact, I made a pair for myself as well as a pair for YOU.  I'm wearing mine right now.  They are wonderfully lightweight and the perfect size to cause people to come up and say "are those hearts???"  I've requested that she transform this pattern into cupcake beads so I'll have those to show you in a bit.

My other friend, Lezlie Belanger, is also making her version of this pattern into cupcakes so it will be fun to see how the two artists differ.  

It's been forEVER since I worked with Lezlie's translucent pink cupcake beads I like to call Pink Lemonade, because, believe me, that pink glass looks exACTly like lemonade!  It's good to have them in the SHOP again.


And lastly, Bindy Lambell's fabulous chocolate pink cupcakes are also back in STOCK.  They have SUCH personality and always uplift me when I see them.  Those pinks against the  They just make me smile.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Busy Day

Busy day today, listing my destash beads, caps and clasps.  I'm not aiming to make any profit, but just to get back what I paid for them.  Since that was several years ago, it means the silver prices were much lower then, so you are getting some really good deals.  

Come on over and shop with me HERE.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fresh Ideas

This is the view I have while blogging in my sister's office in her Napa home.  Ahhhh.

And this vineyard is what I see looking in another direction.  Can you stand it???  Her place is surrounded by vineyards, but she owns none of them...we get to enjoy them without breaking our backs,  working in them. 

It's no wonder my creativity has been inspired in such a place.  It's just me and husband here for the weekend, each mostly doing our own thing whether it is swimming in the pool, watching a movie or listening to music. 

This home is about twice the size of our condo so we love to spread out while here.  It's amazing what floats through my brain as I float on the pool!

Today's news is that I'm dreaming up a fresh idea for RockerJewlz designs that is very new and way beyond what I've been doing.  It's amazing that a bitty blob of cake with some frosting and decorations on it could inspire me to think in so 
many new ways.

I can barely stand keeping it a secret...which makes it even more exciting as it rolls around in my head, ever evolving towards its completion.  Say prayers for me, or chant, or howl at the moon...whatever method you use to send positive thoughts my way is appreciated no matter what the form!

To be continued...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Cupcakes for Cancer

There is an awesome teen and her mom who created a group called Cupcakes for Cancer, born from the girl's own experience with chemotherapy.  They hold lots of fabulous cupcake events with many sweet girls baking cupcakes that are then sold for only a buck with all proceeds going to specific kids or organizations in need.  They have raised thousands of cupcake dollars in a very short time and made it real easy for anyone to join the cause by getting a starter kit for your own fun cupcake events.

You have to come and see the photos with all their cheerful smiles and wonderful cupcake t-shirts and aprons and cupcake stands.  Just click on this word: MYSPACE to check it out.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Silver Destash

Ah, silver, wonderful silver.  I have plenty of drawers full of it.  I'm not using it like I planned, so I'm listing them in my silver SHOP on Etsy.  

I decided I might as well pass them on to someone who will actually USE them so it was quite fun selecting the ones I really couldn't part with as they inspired me to work with them again.


Can you believe the beads in these photos are what I'm NOT keeping?  Imagine the ones you'll see in my jewelry!  I bought these 2-3 years ago when silver was quite a bit less expensive, so these sets are really good deals.  You can see more photos and details HERE.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bead Soup Prize

I won this pair of earrings during the latest Bead Soup Party.  I love the colors.  They were handcrafted by Regina Santerre.  Yum yum.

So, about the felting project I mentioned in a previous post.  I know exactly the shape I want to make, but my hands can't be in hot water right now.  Every once in a while, they get kind of...well..."fried" from hot water exposure so I'm giving them a rest.  But I can tell you I keep staring at the wool in the great colors I got and I practically salivate!

I have another story for you about some new cupcake jewelry items I will share in my next post.  

If I don't "see" you before the weekend, Happy Fourth of July.  I usually just enjoy the fireworks of my neighbors since my son goes out with friends and my husband is usually asleep!  Where will YOU be to celebrate?

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