
Friday, January 11, 2008


Dewdrops from our morning rain here in northern California. I haven't seen it rain this week, but each morning I wake to find it's rained in the early morning hours.

These are dewdrops on leaves in my back yard.

So, I've been very much NOT in the mood to create since the holidays...very odd...and I'm not sure why. I keep thinking if I pull out my bead collection, I'll find inspiration but it's not there yet.

I guess this mood will work it's way and I'll come out the other side with some real beauties for Valentine's Day. I know if I pull out my latest issue of Vogue magazine, that will help set me straight. Thumbing through Vogue always thrills me. For me, it's about art, color, the play of light, and the hopes wrapped up in everything that is new, fresh and inspiring.

Yep, sounds like it's time to soak up some of that! The next time you visit, I hope to be in a creative mode...(fingers crossed!)

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